Monday, November 17, 2008

Antigone, a Trator? Or a Loyal Sister? (LRJ #1)

Today around mid-day, Antigone was accused on attempting to bury her brother, Polynices, she accused by a servant of Creon, after a long time of Questioning, the truth was revealed, Creon is to end the life of Antigone, for disobeying her king. People debate on whether she did do the right thing, was it okay to bury her own family to show respect, or was it being a traitor towards the king and the rules he set up. Antigone didn't deny anything, she was guilty of her crime, but in her eyes she did not care of her life, she had lost her two brothers. Ismene, sister of Antigone, also wanted to be part of the punishment, so she fasely told the king that she was part of the crime, Antigone did not follow her sisters lies, she told the king that she was not part of the crime. Antigone is set up to be punished for the wrong doing, she had no motive, only that she wanted a proper burial for her lost brother, even though he apposed the city.

1 comment:

L. M. Peifer said...

What happened to your technology blog?