Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My 1st Blog

Well this is my first time working with blogs, I'm not a professional with this kind of stuff, I don't even know what a blog is intended to do. But i know that i can work on it and get better at it. Technology  in schools and working with high tech equipment is a good thing, our passed generations didn't have all this technology at this current age, but we do, so we can do a lot, the Internet; email, blogging, instant MSG, and more kinds of high tech stuff. Well this is a good thing to tell about during college interviews, so i guess blogging must be good.


Jake W said...

sup playa!

L. M. Peifer said...

I hope you find working on this blog allows you to share your thoughts about what we are learning in class and what you learn on your own. Already, I think your first post on your first blog is what this blog is "intended to do." :)

Tayshaunskilletvaj said...

haha cool blog yourself. By the way cool picture haha :)