Wednesday, December 3, 2008

LRJ #1

One Value in Beowulf is friendship, "This man is their son, here to follow up on a old friendship" (Heanny 372) the king said that to Beowulf, because Beowulf is the son of a old friend of the king. So the king believed that Beowulf was there to continue the friendship of his father, and to just be someone the king could rely one. Another very important value is how much Beowulf believes in God and how much trust he has in him, he quotes “‘I shall seize my enemy my hand grip and fight, enemy against enemy,and let God decide who shall be taken by death.”’ beowulf puts his trust in GOd and lets everyone know that who ever wins, God has already made the decision. “Brecca fulfilled all his boast. Because of this,” he talking about  Brecca fulfilling the task that was giving to I’m, and then it gives reasons why. “Bladed Weapons” it talks about swords, and that they have blades. 

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