Thursday, January 29, 2009

LRJ #1 Quarter 3

The theme of the play “Everyman” is that when you die, don not go looking for friends to go with you. When death comes upon, only you, your sins, your knowledge, and all your good deeds will go on with you. “And as now, God speed there in thy journey, for from thee I will depart as fast as I may.” (Anonymous 6) no one wants to pass away life for or someone else, but fellowship wished everyman good luck on the journey God sent him on, He says he will flee as far away as he can in order to not get into his problems and die. “Abide behind? Yea that I will and I may! Therefore farewell until an other day” (Anonymous 7) behind you is what Kindred told Everyman, that he was behind him through many things but he will depart away and they should meet again later in life or when faith brings them back together. Everyman has to go trough death with only his personal stuff, no friends or family that is it, but he needs to confess to get the privilege to take all that with him, he needs to confess to God, and regret hid sins and have penances, “I will give there called penances, wise voider of adversity.

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