Monday, March 16, 2009

LRJ#2 For As You Like it

  Today didn't go as planned, me and Adam were struggling to find food in the Forest, me and Adam were tired, we were both lost in the forest, no knowing what to do, it showed us how to live in the desperate times of the forest, when we cannot find food, we keep looking. Adam wanted me to go on with out him, “Master go on, and I will follow thee To the las gasp with truth and loyalty. From seventeen years till now almost foursore Here I lived I, but now live here no more.”  I didn't want him dying on my time, so I went to find  somewhere or someone who could help us with food. Right when Adam was giving up hope “Dear master , I cannot go no further. O, I die for food. Here lie I down and measure out my grave. Farewel kind master.” (2.6.60-63) I told him to have more heart, “No greater heart in thee? Live a little, comfort a little, sheer thyself a little” (2.6.64-67) I tried to cheer him up and to get him to stand up. Luckily we found Duke Senior and he let us eat with him, I thanked him and so me and Adam ate with the Duke Senior.

1 comment:

L. M. Peifer said...

What does Orlando learn about the country? How does he pursue his goals of being a gentleman?